• Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th November 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Thursday, 13th November 2014 at 7.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mr. D. Bridge (DB)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR)
    Mrs. P. Roche (PR)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    1. To consider apologies for absence
    All members present.

    2. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    3. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    4. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    One member of the public was present with particular interest in Item 8.

    5. SNAP Report
    TA had attended a recent meeting. No items were discussed relating specifically to Stanhoe. There were the usual problems of inconsiderate parking and anti-social behaviour in the Westgate and Le Strange Terrace areas of Hunstanton. New CCTV had been installed which should help identify the culprits. In some areas covered by SNAP there had been a number of burglaries (both domestic and non-domestic properties), thefts from vehicles, one stolen vehicle and a number of violent crimes but, in general, crime figures were down on the same period last year. There had been instances of heating oil theft in Fakenham but these had ceased after the arrest of two individuals.

    6. NALC Area Meeting
    TA had attended a meeting in Downham Market for both councillors and clerks. One of the items discussed was a –Neighbourhood Plan’ for each parish to include plans for the future of the parish, e.g. housing, parking and community involvement. A good example of such a plan can be found on the website for Cringleford parish. Community payback (where offenders carry out community service) is available to parishes. The clerk will obtain further details from NALC. Some parishes expected their PCSO to attend all parish council meetings but this was not felt to be necessary in Stanhoe. The local PCSO would be willing to attend a particular meeting if asked to do so. It is the intention of NALC to hold more area meetings in future.

    7. War Memorial maintenance
    Currently grounds maintenance work and cleaning of the monument is done voluntarily by members of the community as and when it is needed. RB thought this should be put on a more formal footing to provide a regular maintenance plan. The clerk will contact Mr. Punter who is employed to carry out other regular maintenance work in the village with a view to adding the war memorial to his list of duties.

    8. Possible planting at village boundary signs
    The member of public present suggested that plant troughs should be placed at each boundary sign in the village to provide a more attractive welcome to all coming into the village either by car or on foot. A licence would have to be obtained from the County Council Highways department for each trough and insurance of the items would have to be covered by the parish council. After some discussion, it was agreed to apply for one licence initially for a trough at the boundary sign on Burnham Road approaching from Burnham Market. The topic would be discussed again at the next meeting.

    9. Updates on the following
    Planning matters: An application for the demolition of Station Farm Cottage and the erection of a new dwelling had gone before the planning committee and permission refused.
    Jack’s Lane Wind Farm: Work is proceeding with 3 turbines in place and another 3 to be erected probably before the end of the year. Representatives from the affected areas will soon be forming a Community Fund Committee to discuss and decide upon projects on which the Fund can be spent.
    Trees at the pond: Although the trees have no preservation orders on them the area around the pond is Common Land. The clerk is currently investigating if there are any restrictions on what can be done on such land.
    Repairs to the shed: These will be carried out in approximately 10 days’ time.
    Highway matters: The –Give Way’ sign is missing from its position at the junction on the approach from North Creake where it meets Burnham Road. The sign is on order and will be replaced by the highways department in the near future.
    Parked cars continue to be a problem on Docking Road close to the junction with Bircham Road where they block the view of oncoming traffic from Docking. The local PCSO is investigating but it was suggested that a letter should be sent from the clerk to the home owners expressing the concerns of councillors.
    Prospective new councillors: Elections will be held in May 2015 at which time some existing councillors will be retiring. Two village residents have expressed an interest in joining the parish council but more may be needed to make up a full council. It was agreed that everything possible should be done to encourage interest. The clerk will notify the councillors of the expected timetable leading up to the elections in 2015.
    10. Financial Report and approval of payments
    The clerk circulated Income and Expenditure reports, Budget reports and Bank Statements to date in the current financial year. No queries were raised. Payment was approved for the clerk’s salary.

    11. To receive items for the next Agenda – meeting of 8th January 2015
    The following items should be included:

    The scrap site
    Village Inspection – Spring 2015
    Updates on: War memorial maintenance
    Plant troughs
    Trees & common land
    Other items may be submitted to the clerk up to one week prior to the meeting.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 11th September 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Thursday, 11th September 2014 at 7.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mr. D. Bridge (DB)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR)
    Mrs. P. Roche (PR)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    Prior to the start of the meeting, the appointment of a vice-chairman was made. Mr. Don Bridge stated he would be willing to stand for this office. His appointment was proposed by PA, seconded by PR and unanimously agreed.

    1. To consider apologies for absence
    All members present.

    2. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    3. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    4. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    One member of the public was present.

    5. SNAP Report
    TA had attended a recent SNAP meeting. There were still some concerns over anti-social behaviour and excessive noise in some areas of Hunstanton and also parking issues at Heacham Junior School. In general, crime had increased in Norfolk as a whole partly due to more robust reporting procedures, however, crime had slightly decreased within the SNAP area. There were currently no concerns in the Stanhoe area. At the next meeting, scheduled for 6th November 2014, speeding traffic in Syderstone and speeding motor cyclists in Holme would be discussed as well as the problem of heavy vehicles using some unsuitable streets in Heacham. It was noted that the attendees at this year’s Tennis Week in Hunstanton had been the best behaved group recorded to date since the inception of this event.

    6. Updates on ongoing matters
    Planning applications/decisions: The application for the installation of solar panels at Stanhoe Hall had been turned down. It is understood the applicants may lodge an appeal with the Borough. An application had been submitted to the Borough for an extension to a property in Station Road but drawings and documentation were still awaited by the parish council.
    Jack’s Lane Wind Farm: Construction of the turbine bases is complete. Road closures in the vicinity will be lifted but put in place again in Spring 2015 for the transport of plant and equipment away from the site. Barwick Road will be returned to its original state after that time. Due to the inclusion of more properties within the electricity discount scheme, the amount of discount per qualifying household has been reduced from £117 to £100 per annum. The community fund has been set at £30k per annum (inflation linked) for the life of the turbines. The clerical administration of this will be handled by the Norfolk Community Foundation but decisions on allocation and spending of funds will be made by a panel of representatives from the affected areas. The panel will be set up in due course and terns of reference formally agreed with the energy company.
    Repairs to the shed adjacent to the village hall: MR confirmed that the MEHM Trust had appointed someone to carry out the necessary work.
    Trees around the village pond: A resident had requested that the parish council consider severely pruning a tree which casts a shadow on his property. It has been established that no tree preservation order exists for the tree in question but it does stand on common land which may have legal implications on any work done. This is to be investigated further by the clerk but it seems unlikely, in any case, that the parish council could fund such work.
    7. Playground Equipment & Inspection
    An annual safety inspection was done by a ROSPA approved inspector and a good report received. Following the removal of the fence, the fence posts have now been removed. On the advice of the inspector, the small moveable goal post has been repaired and is awaiting fixings to secure it to the ground. The junior swing which was replaced last year was showing signs of splits in the timber posts. Under guarantee, the suppliers have completely replaced all the timber.

    8. Possible village inspection
    It was agreed to hold this in the Spring 2015.

    9. Parish Council succession planning
    The current term of office ends in May 2015 at which time an election will be held for the appointment of a new parish council. A number of existing councillors have stated that they will not seek re-election, therefore, there is a pressing need for local residents to offer themselves as prospective parish councillors from Spring 2015. It is important to maintain a full and active council as the alternative would be for parish matters to be taken over by the Borough Council which would involve people who had little or no knowledge of matters relating to Stanhoe. All residents are welcome to attend any or all parish council meetings. The next meeting will be on Thursday, 13th November 2014 and further dates are listed on the village website or in Saints Alive. The clerk can be contacted at any time for information.

    10. Highways
    Following road accidents at the junction of Bircham Road and Burnham/Docking Roads beside the pond, the County Council agreed to re-paint the white road markings. To date, this has not been done but will be chased up. Recent Highway Ranger work has cleared shrubbery from partly obscured road signs around the village. RB pointed out that the –Give Way’ sign, at the road junction from North Creake on to Burnham Road opposite Mill House, is in need of repair. The clerk will contact Highways.

    11. Financial Report & approval of payments
    The clerk circulated Income and Expenditure reports, Budget reports and Bank Statements to date in the current financial year. No queries were raised. Payment was approved for the clerk’s salary and expenses and an authorisation letter to Barclays was signed for the cancellation of a subscription.

    12. To receive items for the next Agenda
    The following items were suggested for the next meeting due to be held on 13th November 2014:

    Planning matters
    Wind Farm
    Trees at the pond/Common Land
    Update on repairs to the shed
    Possible new councillors
    Items may be presented to the clerk up to one week before the meeting date.

    Prior to the close of the meeting, the clerk announced changes to the Borough’s collection of recycled items which would take effect from 1st October 2014. Information would be circulated to all households. RB commented on the poor quality of the compostable bags purchased from the Borough and the clerk agreed to investigate.

    No other matters were discussed and the meeting closed at 9.15pm.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 10th July 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Thursday, 10th July 2014 at 7.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    Mr. D. Bridge (DB)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    1. To consider apologies for absence
    Apologies had been offered by both absentees and were accepted.

    2. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    3. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    4. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    No public present.

    5. SNAP Report
    TA had attended a meeting on 3rd July. The usual problems of anti-social behaviour in the Hunstanton area were discussed. There is a particular problem of noise in Westgate, Hunstanton after pub and club closing times. Since the previous meeting there had been 2 domestic burglaries, 6 break-ins to garden sheds, 4 motor vehicle thefts and 2 break-ins to cars. A number of potential domestic abuse incidents had been reported and investigated.

    Dog fouling continues to be a problem in some areas. If the names of dog owners are known they can be passed to the relevant PCSO who will visit those concerned.

    It was noted that parking vehicles on or partly on the pavement is an offence. There is currently a clampdown on such parking in Cambridge where fines of approximately £30 are being imposed.

    The possibility of forming a police cadet force was discussed for King’s Lynn and Hunstanton.

    Councillors were reminded that any cold calls by telephone or unsolicited e-mails regarding possible financial investments were almost certainly a type of scam. Word should be spread around to remind residents to be extremely careful.

    6. Update on Planning Matters
    Due to a Borough planning department deadline, a separate meeting had been held the previous week to discuss the new application for the installation of solar panels at Stanhoe Hall. Councillors were concerned by some contradictory statements in the application which they passed on to the Borough. Councillors also requested that, should permission be granted, a condition should be that adequate evergreen planting should be put in place to permanently screen the panels from view. Permission has been granted for the erection of 3 holiday cottages on the site of Mill House, Burnham Road.

    7. Update on Jack’s Lane Wind Farm
    RES has issued a letter regarding the local electricity discount scheme (LEDS). The criteria for qualification which are applied nationally have resulted in some properties in Stanhoe and many properties in Syderstone not qualifying for the discount. RES will supply a map showing the areas which will receive LEDS but has confirmed that the criteria will not be changed. At the next CLG meeting on 23rd July 2014, TA will raise the matter of the materials used for the widening of Jack’s Lane which do not seem to be in keeping with the original proposals.

    8. Village Emergency Plan
    The draft plan has been finalised. Acceptance was proposed by RB, seconded by PA and agreed by all. Copies will be circulated to all councillors and the clerk.

    9. WW1 Commemoration
    On Friday 1st August 2014 there will be a wreath laying ceremony at the village war memorial at 11.00am. On Sunday 3rd August there will be a service with various readings held at 11.00am. in Sedgeford Church, led by Rev. Peter Cook.

    10. Tree at the east end of village pond
    A resident has asked if it would be possible to reduce the height of this particular tree as it casts a shadow on his property. A full discussion of this item was postponed until the next parish council meeting to allow councillors time to establish if the tree has a preservation order and what would be the consequences and costs of any alteration.

    11. Increase in dog fouling in the village
    The problem exists to some extent all year round but does seem to increase at holiday times with the increase in visitor numbers.

    The situation will be monitored and an item placed in –Saints Alive’ reminding dog owners to clean up after their dogs.

    12. Repairs to shed adjacent to the village hall
    Following discussion of this item at the previous meeting, the clerk wrote to the MEHM secretary requesting a quotation for the cost of repairs to which the parish council would consider a donation. No reply was received. MR (also chairman of the MEHM Trust) acknowledged that repairs were needed and would try to progress this matter.

    13. Dates & Times of future meetings
    The following dates were agreed provisionally for 2015:

    January 8th
    March 12th
    April 30th
    July 9th
    September 10th
    November 12th
    With the exception of April 30th, all meetings would be held at 7.00pm. in the village hall. The meeting on April 30th would be at 6.00pm. to be followed at 7.30pm. by the Annual Parish Meeting also in the village hall.

    Parish Council Elections are due to be held in May 2015, therefore, the above dates and times may be subject to alteration depending on decisions of councillors elected at that time.

    14. Financial Report & approval of payments
    The clerk circulated Income and Expenditure and Budget reports to date in the current financial year. No queries were raised. Payment was approved for the clerk’s salary and payment of PAYE tax due to HMRC.

    15. To receive items for the next Agenda – meeting of 11th September 2014
    The following items were suggested:

    Tree at the pond
    Update on Wind Farm
    SNAP Report
    Update on repairs to shed
    Planning matters:
    Possible village inspection
    Annual playground inspection
    Any other items could be submitted to the clerk up to one week before the next meeting.

    No other matters were discussed and the meeting closed at 8.30pm.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 29th May 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Thursday, 29th May 2014 at 6.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR)
    Mrs. P. Roche (PR)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    Mr. D. Bridge (DB)

    1. Election of Chairman and Vice-chairman
    TA, Chairman, indicated that he would be willing to serve another term. TA was proposed as chairman by PR and seconded by MR. Due to the absence of the existing Vice-chairman following major surgery, it was agreed to postpone the election of a Vice-chairman until a later date. Councillors wanted to record a vote of thanks to TA for all his hard work and for accepting the chairmanship for a further year.

    2. To consider apologies for absence
    Apologies had been offered by DB due to recent major surgery and were accepted.

    3. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    These were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    4. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    5. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    No public present.

    6. Planning Matters
    The solar panels at Stanhoe Hall had not been installed in the position shown on the planning application. Following a number of complaints, the parish council had asked the Borough to investigate the matter. The owners had written to the Chairman to explain that the application had been submitted incorrectly by the company due to install the panels and the current position was always what had been intended. A new application is being submitted for the current positioning and will include details of extensive planting to screen the panels from roadside view. The clerk will check with the Borough Planning Dept. if the new application has been received. It should be noted that the parish council does not have the power to refuse planning permission but is merely consulted for an opinion.

    An application, for the demolition of the existing Station Farm Cottage and the erection of a replacement dwelling, was withdrawn prior to consideration by the Borough. Neighbours are anxious that any development should have an agricultural restriction placed on it, in line with nearby properties, which would require the dwelling to be occupied full time by an agricultural worker. This restriction has been in place for many years and has been upheld by the Borough in the case of a nearby property.

    The application for the erection of three holiday cottages on the site of Mill House, Burnham Road has been recommended for approval by the Borough at their next planning meeting.

    7. Update on Jack’s Lane Wind Farm
    A Community Liaison Group (CLG) meeting had been held on 21st May in Syderstone. The original contractors appointed had gone into liquidation but new contractors had been appointed and work was progressing.

    TA had noticed that, in widening the lane to allow for construction traffic, simple hardcore had been put down which was not what had originally been suggested. It was thought that a system ‘grasscrete’ blocks would be used which allow grass could grow up through them thereby maintaining some sort of green verge. TA would query this with RES.

    The domestic electricity discount scheme had been discussed with the criterion for eligibility being that a property should be within 2. 4km of a turbine. Any property outside this limit but with an identical postcode to properties within the limit would also receive the discount. Unfortunately, there are some properties in Stanhoe which will not receive the discount as they are outside the limit and have a separate postcode. TA had raised this matter at the CLG meeting but it seemed that no exceptions could be made as the same situation existed in Syderstone with many more properties being affected.

    The community fund of approximately £30k will be allocated using different criteria, yet to be finalised. The fund will be administered by the Norfolk Community Foundation based on decisions made solely by an independent panel of representatives from the areas affected.

    8. Year End Accounts
    The clerk circulated copies of the accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014. Unusually, there had been an excess of expenditure over income for the year of £948 due to the unexpected need to replace the junior swings in the playground as a result of rotten timbers on the previous ones. The cost, including some other minor repairs, had come to £1,784. By making savings elsewhere, the difference of £836 had been met from the annual precept, however, the overspend had now depleted the funds held in reserve.

    There was a query regarding the lack of any donation to the MEHM Trust in 2013/14 (which in recent years had been £100 per year) but, in order to make savings, no donations had been given to any charitable organizations in 2013/14. No other queries were raised. Acceptance of the accounts was proposed by PA, seconded by MR and agreed unanimously.

    9. Financial Report & Approval of Payments
    The clerk circulated a financial update for the period from 1st April 2014 to the date of the meeting. No queries were raised. Payment was approved for the clerk’s salary.

    10. Possible donations to charitable organizations
    A number of charities had sent requests for donations. After some discussion, it was agreed that £100 should be donated to the Burnham Market Area Community Car Scheme (BMACCS) which directly benefited many local residents.

    A suggestion was made that a possible donation to the MEHM Trust should be for a specific purpose. For some time, the need for repairs to the shed adjacent to the village hall had been discussed. This was the responsibility of the Trust and it was agreed that the clerk would write to the Trust secretary requesting that an estimate be obtained for the necessary repairs. The parish Council could then decide on a level of contribution towards the costs.

    An annual subscription had been paid in recent years to the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) but this would be increasing substantially in financial year 2014/15. It was agreed that membership of the organization was not necessary so the subscription should be cancelled.

    11. To receive items for the next Agenda – meeting of 10th July 2014
    Items put forward were:

    Village Emergency Plan
    Repairs to shed and possible contribution to costs
    Increase in dog mess around the village
    Dates & times of future meetings including Annual Parish Meeting
    Councillors were reminded that Agenda items could be presented to the clerk up to one week before the meeting date.

    No other matters were discussed and the meeting closed at 7.15pm. to be followed at 7.30pm. by the Annual Parish Meeting, open to all local residents.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th March 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Thursday, 13th March 2014 at 7.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR) (arrived 8.30 pm)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    Mrs. P. Roche (PR)

    1. To consider apologies for absence
    An apology was received from PR for absence and from MR for anticipated late arrival due to train delays.

    2. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    3. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    4. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    One member of the public was present and raised the following points:

    Speed of traffic on Bircham Road continues to be a problem and white lines, especially at the junction with Burnham Road, have become worn and obscured.
    Many residents in the village had complained that they had not been notified of the CLG Wind Farm meeting held on 12th March at Syderstone.
    Some caravans had arrived in the wood behind Stanhoe Hall where there was no official site.
    Church graveyard requires some maintenance.
    Another vehicle had crashed into the palisade fence opposite the pond (the third within about a year). Is there the possibility of an additional warning sign?
    A tree planted on the playing field in memory of a former resident and councillor appears to have died off. Is a replacement possible?
    Scrap site at Bircham crossroads continues to be an eyesore and seems to be encroaching on to the adjoining paddock.
    In the same order as shown above, the councillors’ responses were:

    This matter is currently being dealt with by the parish council. (see Item 9)
    The CLG meeting had been well advertised in advance. A poster supplied by the energy company had been displayed on the village notice board, an article had been placed in Saints Alive giving date and time of the meeting and an advertisement had been placed on the village website.
    Councillors would investigate this matter and report back.
    Graveyard maintenance is the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council to whom the Parish Council had donated a sum of money towards upkeep.
    Highways department was aware of the damage to the fence and would carry out repairs in due course. An additional warning sign on approach to the junction is a strong possibility.
    Councillors would investigate the state of the tree and consider what could be done.
    The Borough Council is aware of this situation which is difficult to control as the scrap site has been operating legally for approximately 70 years. Clerk would contact the Borough again.
    5. SNAP
    TA attended the meeting held on 6th March 2014. The usual topics associated with Hunstanton were discussed. Dog fouling can be a problem in some areas but, if known, the name and address of the owner of the offending dog can be passed to the local PCSO who has the authority to issue a fixed penalty notice (£60) to the owner.

    It was reported that crime figures have been falling over the last 2 years with crime in general down by 14%. Anti-social behaviour, on which the police have been concentrating some effort, has come down by 23%. The next meeting will be on 1st May 2014 with topics of anti-social behaviour and car parking on pavements on the Agenda.

    6. Update on Jack’s Lane Wind Farm
    A CLG meeting had been held the previous evening in Syderstone village hall. Site construction has started and road closures are in place to enable the necessary widening of some access roads to the site and for health and safety reasons. Diversion signs are in place but an additional sign stating “No construction traffic beyond this point” will be placed at Bircham/Docking crossroads.

    The size and output of the turbines has been decided, therefore, the community and local electricity discount levels have been decided. The community fund will be £30k per annum but no breakdown is yet available of what the individual communities concerned will receive.

    The electricity discount has been set at £117 per household for all those within 2.4km of a turbine. A letter and application form will be sent to each household and it is the responsibility of residents to register for the discount with their own electricity supplier. It is probable that the Norfolk Community Foundation will administer the fund based on decisions made by the Decision Panel which will be made up of representatives from each community.

    7. Village Playground
    All the new equipment has been installed and all outstanding repairs done. A new sign has been erected at the entrance to the play area. The old wooden fence around the toddlers’ play area will be removed by TA/DB/JS on a date to be agreed by them but before the Easter school holiday period starts.

    8. Village Emergency Plan
    TA circulated a final draft of the plan which will be adopted by 21st March if no adverse comments are received before then. The adopted copy of the Plan will be circulated to all councillors and clerk with a copy also going to the Construction College at Bircham for their information since they kindly offered to provide shelter and services in the event of a major emergency.

    9. Bircham Road Traffic (PA)
    PA had written to the Council Highways department and to the local MP regarding speed restrictions on Bircham Road and also about the fact that many large trucks and agricultural vehicles are too big for the width of local roads causing deterioration of verges and problems to other vehicles at some junctions.

    PA stressed to the Council and MP the need for the 30 mph restriction to start at the parish boundary on Bircham Road where there is currently a 40 mph limit although Highways department have stated that there are no criteria for this.

    An alternative option would be for the electronic flashing speed sign of 40 mph to be moved to the 30mph boundary which is where the parish council had wanted it originally. Highways had insisted on its current location showing 40 mph but this gives the false impression to some drivers that the speed limit is 40 mph throughout the village. Currently the Highways department will only consider moving this sign if the costs of approximately £2,000 are met by the parish council. PA is awaiting further replies to her correspondence.

    10. Planning Matters
    The clerk reported that permission had been granted to Stanhoe Hall for the erection of solar panels in the grounds, however, it has been noted that some panels have been installed in the field adjacent to Stanhoe Hall towards Docking. The clerk will contact the Borough Planning department regarding this matter.

    11. Telephone Kiosk
    The clerk reported that the line had been repaired and the kiosk cleaned after a request to BT. After some discussions with BT the clerk had obtained assurances that a door would be installed on the kiosk to prevent fouling by ducks and geese from the pond and to generally keep the kiosk in a far cleaner condition. This should be completed by the end of March.

    12. Litter bins & suggested additional dog waste bin
    The housing for the litter bin at the Bircham Road end of the pond had been detached from its fixings during recent stormy weather. DB has effected a temporary repair but this may require more work in future.

    The clerk had been approached by the Parochial Church Council about the possibility of an additional dog waste bin on Church Lane in the hope of alleviating the problem of dog waste in the churchyard. Permission would have to be sought from both the Borough Council and the County Council and the PCC would be expected to bear the cost of such a bin which could be a few hundred pounds. This information was passed back to the PCC who would discuss it at a future meeting.

    13. Proposed Village Fete – August 2014
    This idea has now been abandoned.

    14. Update on ongoing matters:
    a) Cross Lane traffic restrictions – no developments

    b) Geese on the pond – no problems but one goose appears to have an injured foot. A local resident is contacting the RSPCA.

    c) Repairs to the storage shed beside the village hall – MR undertook to raise the matter with the MEHM Trust who owns the shed.

    15. Annual Parish Meeting
    This will be held on 29th May at 7.30pm. and a notice will be placed in Saints Alive. Invitations to attend will be delivered to each household in the village along with the newsletters for both March and April. The normal parish council meeting will be on the same evening and will start at 6.00pm. It was agreed that the Agenda would be kept brief on that occasion.

    16. Financial Reports and approval of payments
    The clerk presented an up to date income and expenditure report together with copy bank statements and a budget to date report. No questions were raised.

    An invoice had been received from the MEHM Trust for the annual hire charge of the village hall at a cost of £100. In previous years an additional donation of £100 had been given to the Trust, however, due to the unforeseen very large expense required for the upkeep of the play equipment, it was decided to postpone a decision on a donation to the next meeting which would be after the end of the current financial year. Councillors would then consider it along with other requests for donations which had been received. Approval was given for the payment of £100 hire cost and payment of the clerk’s salary.

    17. To receive items for the next Agenda – meeting on 29th May 2014
    The following items to be discussed:

    Planning Matters
    Finance & Year End A/cs.
    It was agreed that a summary of items discussed which had been published in Saints Alive after the last meeting was a good idea and had been well received. This policy would continue.

    The meeting closed at 9.10pm.

  • Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 8th January 2014

    Minutes of Parish Council Meeting
    Held on Wednesday, 8th January 2014 at 7.00pm
    in the village Reading Room
    Clerk to the Council – E Thuburn, tel 01485 518409

    Mr. T. Austin (TA)
    Mrs. P. Austin (PA)
    Mr. D. Bridge (DB)
    Mrs. R. Brown (RB)
    Mr. M. Roche (MR)
    Mrs. P. Roche (PR)
    Mr. J. Seedhouse (JS)

    1. To consider apologies for absence
    No apologies. All councillors present.

    2. To consider approval of the Minutes of the last meeting
    Minutes were passed and signed by the Chairman.

    3. To record declarations of interest from members in any item to be discussed
    No declarations made.

    4. To adjourn meeting to allow public participation
    No public present.

    5. SNAP
    TA had been unable to attend. The Agenda had focussed on the usual items of crime prevention and reporting. Anti-social behaviour in some areas was still a problem but was constantly being monitored. It was noted that recently there had been some thefts of heating oil in Stanhoe.

    6. Update on matters relating to Jack’s Lane Wind Farm
    Prior to the meeting, information had been circulated about the proposed road closures during the construction process. Permission had been sought from the County Council for a period of 18 months but this was thought to be excessive as the developers had indicated that the whole construction process should be completed within 12 months. There was also some discussion of the possibility that roads could be closed from Monday to Friday only and open at weekends when no construction work would be done. This was put to a vote with the result of 4 to 3 being in favour of closure from Monday to Friday only. The clerk was requested to send a letter to the County Highways Department stating that the closures should be for the minimum number of months required from Monday to Friday only and that absolutely no construction or site traffic should use the diversion route which will come through part of the village.

    7. Playground equipment, repairs and signage
    Clerk confirmed that the order had been placed for the new Junior swings and all other necessary repairs to the playground equipment. Work is due to start week commencing 27th January 2014. A new sign had been ordered and received giving information about the exact location of the playground in case of the need to call emergency services and giving contact details for the parish council who had responsibility for the play area.

    8. Financial reports and approval of payments
    The clerk presented an up to date income and expenditure report together with copy bank statements and a budget to date report. She pointed out that the £1,700 plus VAT which councillors had agreed to spend on play equipment was totally unplanned, however, the play area maintenance budget would probably be about £300 underspent by the end of the financial year and this could go towards the cost of new equipment. Some other budget areas would also be slightly underspent meaning that the reserves would be reduced by approximately £1,000 rather than the full £1,700. All VAT would be refunded in due course. Councillors accepted the reports and approved payment of the clerk’s salary, expenses and PAYE tax due to HMRC.

    9. Budget proposals for 2014/15
    The clerk circulated a draft budget for 2014/15 based on a precept of £5,500 which had been the figure since 2010. The budget included an amount for ongoing repairs and maintenance to play equipment which would be necessary each year in future as the equipment is now over 10 years old. There would be no amount available to be allocated to reserves. After much discussion, it was agreed unanimously that the precept should increase to £6,500 for 2014/15 which would allow for the reserves to be built up again and provide for unforeseen necessary expenditure. The additional £1,000 would represent an increase of about £8 per household on the existing contribution level based on a Band D property.

    10. Annual Parish Meeting
    This was scheduled for Thursday, 29th May 2014 at 7. 30pm. TA had arranged a guest speaker, Flt. Lt. Gary Walker, the community relations officer from RAF Marham who would speak about military flying over and around Stanhoe. PR offered to arrange refreshments for the meeting. There would be a normal parish council meeting at 6. 00pm. on the same evening.

    11. Village telephone box
    TA had discovered that the telephone was out of order and that the box itself was in an extremely dirty condition. BT had previously refused to install a box with a door but the existing box, being situated opposite the pond, was constantly being fouled by ducks and geese as well as being open to all the usual weather elements. The clerk would report the line fault and write to BT in an effort to get a unit installed with a door. The letter should be copied to the County Councillor and the local MP.

    12. Update on ongoing matters:
    a) Cross Lane traffic – no developments

    b) Geese on the pond – no serious problems reported

    c) Repairs to the storage shed at the village hall – some rotten timbers at the base need attention. MEHM Trust to undertake.

    d) Palisade fence opposite the pond – following a car crash, the fence had been repaired, however, the road name sign for Burnham Road had not been re-erected. The clerk would contact Highways department.

    It was also noted that the refuse collectors did not seem to be closing the doors to the housing for the waste bins around the pond after emptying them. The clerk would inform the Borough refuse department.

    13. To receive items for the next Agenda – meeting of 13th March 2014
    The following items were raised:

    Village emergency plan
    Jack’s Lane wind farm
    Village playground
    Telephone box
    Usual updates on ongoing matters
    No other items were discussed and the meeting closed at 8. 50pm.

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